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My first EVER blog post

So this is my first ever blog post how exciting!

This space is going to be filled with so much good info that I will be adding from here on out, from helpful tips to facts and everything juicey in between. 

I thought id make this blog a get to know abit about me blog. It’s important you know abit about the person that is going to capture your intimate and sacred memories yeah? 
So i’m Brooke, a 31 year old girl who grew up in the small country town Garfield. I was raised in a loving home and have 2 siblings, im the middle child 😛 I’ve always had a love for animals, outdoorsy stuff i grew up playing netball and doing dancing and camping in the bush or in horsefloats as my mum and Aunty have a love for endurance riding. 

My traits –

  • Clean freak
  • Organization queen 
  • Caring
  • Gentle
  • Patient

Now to the big moments for me in my life, met my dream man Scott in 2011, Became a nurse in 2012, had our first babe Sophie in 2013, Started Make Believe Photography in 2013, moved into first home in Pakenham in 2015 (which is where we still are today and is the home of my studio), had second babe Scarlett in 2017, got married in Noosa, Queensland in March of 2020 right as Covid was about to unleash, had our third babe Saige in 2021. All of our children are girls and they all look completely different haha. Having kids didn’t come easy for us but ill write a blog about the struggles of conception another day as that’s a whole other story. 

So there you have it that’s pretty much me in a nutshell.

Why is photography my passion?

So I started learning photography as a subject in year 8 so in 2005. I immediately fell inlove ill share some of my first ever works in the bottom of this blog. I started off first in the dark room photographing objects but my interest quickly turned to portraiture. I had a keen interest in boudoir and weird Tim Burten style portraiture to begin with as I was going through a bit of a weird time then being a teen and all haha.  As the end of highschool approached and I entered VCE I made the decision to switch all of my subjects to science and maths so I could become a nurse out of school so Id always have a reliable job but also a job where I could care for people “one of my traits”. I kept my studio arts subject though had to have my passion in there still. We went from the dark room to Digital and my ideas exploded I had folders and folders of weird and wonderful ideas of art. After school I turned my focus to nursing but still dabbled in photography when I had the chance. It was my outlet and it still is. When im creating im in my happy place. My true calling for photography happened right after I birthed my first child something just clicked and I knew exactly what I wanted to do. 3 months after Sophie was born I enrolled myself into an online photography course, got myself a “good” dslr, my buisness name and ABN and off I went. I am so appreciative of those who believed in me in the beginning allowing me to learn and explore my new found passion for newborn photography and everything surrounding it. It is because of all of my clients in the past 10 years that I am where I am today. With the help of my family and Husband helping build my buisness up and being a non stop stream of support I now can proudly call myself your Professional Newborn/Family photographer. So much beauty is captured through the art of photography and sacred moments that will be passed down for generations. It is truly the most wonderful career to have and Im so lucky that my dreams turned into a reality. 


Take a look at where I first began

From when I first started my business

To Now 10 years on

I am forever grateful and appreciative of every single client who has ever booked in with me and gotten me to where I am today, I have grown so much in 10 years and feel I continue to grow. Thankyou so much for taking the time to read my First blog post I hope you have enjoyed it, take a look around my brand spanking new website if you have time its taken me 4 long months to build it 🙂